Black Walnut, Vineland

Did you know that the presence of Black Walnut Trees brought Mennonite Farmers from Pennsylvania to Niagara in the late 1700s? Black Walnut trees only grow in very fertile soil, indicating the land would be excellent farmland.

Town of Lincoln

Great Heritage Tree Hunt!

Nominate and photograph your favourite tree in one of five categories.

Winners in each category will receive $100.

Do you have a favourite old tree? 

Does it have family or local history? 
Is it a neighbourhood landmark? 
Do you have childhood memories connected to it? 
Or do you just love it and want to see it recognized for, well, just being a big old tree and doing all the good things that big old trees do?

See details on how to nominate your tree below. 

Show Your Favourite Tree Some Love!!!

Over the summer, Ontariogreen Conservation Association, will be sponsoring the Town of Lincoln’s first ever Heritage Tree Hunt, a contest where citizens can submit photos of their favourite trees in one of five categories and potentially win $100. 
The goal is to find the community’s oldest and most beloved trees, and shine a little light on them and all the wonderful work our urban forest does for us. From generating oxygen to keeping us cool in the summer, from cleaning our air to preventing flooding, from providing food (for us and animals!) to reminding us of our history and making places

memorable, trees contribute a lot to our community.

Let’s celebrate them.

In the fall, Ontariogreen’s board, an arborist from Safe Tree and a  photographer will evaluate the  winners in each of the five categories and $100 will be awarded to the winners in each.

Here's How To Nominate Your Favourite Heritage Tree!

Note: Nominated trees must be growing within the borders of the Town of Lincoln.

          Nominations must be received by September 30th 2024​. Winners announced in October.

Snap a photo of it and email it to:

Along with:

1. Your name

2. Phone number 
3. Address of the nominated tree.

Be sure to tell us which of five categories you are submitting the photo under: 

1). Outstanding Native Tree
2.) Best Story About A Tree
3.) Best Rare or Endangered Tree (Butternuts, American Elm, American Chestnut,

     Cherry Birch, Pawpaw, Eastern Flowering Dogwood, Cucumber Tree)
4). Most Historic/Significant to the Community 
5). Best Photograph

Please note:
If you are submitting under category # 1 or #3, the easiest way to tell if your tree is native is to use one of two free aps that can easily be downloaded to your phone:

*  I Naturalist,, or

*  PlantNet,  

With both aps you can snap a photo of the tree's leaves, send it to the ap and it will tell you what it is. (These are  great aps for gardeners and nature lovers, too! We use them all the time!)

Then do a quick Google search to see if it is native to Southern Ontario.

If you are submitting under category #2 or #4, please include a few paragraphs about why the tree is important to you, why it is significant in your community or why there is history attached to the tree.

If you are submitting under category #1 or #4, if possible, please measure the circumference of the tree at 1.4 m (4.5 ft) from ground level and send us the measurement. We will then use a Tree Age Calculator to estimate the age of your tree. If you want to try it yourself for fun go to:

We can't wait to see photos of your favourite trees! Here's one of ours.